Sunday, November 16, 2008


Please keep quiet everyone, Claire-claire is trying to hear what di-di is doing....

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Santa at school

Santa came to school today. My mama said that Santa gives presents to boys and girls who have been good the whole year.

Yeah! Santa gave Claire-claire a present. He even posed for a photo with my papa and I.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Papa's new toy

My papa has a new toy. It is red in colour, just like Elmo! The best part of papa lets me play with it. It has a long white tail, which my papa told me to put at my ears. Claire-claire did just as my papa told me and boy, did Claire-claire get a surprise! Music!

Claire-claire likes my papa's new toy.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hand Foot Mouth!

It has been a boring weekend for Claire-claire. My mama and papa are not letting me out of the house till Claire-claire gets the all-clear from Dr Vanessa. This is because Claire-claire contracted hand-foot-mouth disease.

My mama was very sad when Dr Vanessa estimated at least twenty ulcers in Claire-claire's mouth on Tuesday. Claire-claire realised soon that this meant she could hardly drink milk, let alone eat my favourite food - fishballs and mushrooms. It was so painful that Claire-claire didn't even suck my thumb in the night!

Fortunately, Claire-claire recovered faster than expected. Today, Claire-claire ate all my porridge and even asked for an apple, a fig and an almond! My mama is quite pleased. My papa and mama told me that they are very proud that Claire-claire is a hardy and resillient little girl.

Hopefully, this means that Claire-claire can go out and play next weekend.